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Scholarly Publications


(2023-present) Editor-in-Chief 

Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice


(2021-present) Book Reviews Editor

Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice


(2019-2023) Associate Editor

Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice

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2021 Grace A Tanner Distinguished Faculty Lecture
"Reason in Enlightenment Europe: What Margaret Cavendish can Teach us about Higher Education"


Finley, C. & Phillips, K.G. "Virtuous Dialogues in Epistemic Communities: Helping Students Understand the Value of Citations” in Innovations in Teaching Philosophy, ed. Welch. Bloomsbury Academic.

Published Articles and Book Chapters

(2024) Phillips, K. G. "Dialogue, Virtue, and Assessment: Teaching for More than Technical Proficiency" inThe Art of Teaching Philosophy, ed. Welch. Bloomsbury Academic.


(2023) Griffioen, A. & Phillips, K. G. "Via Transformativa: Reading Descartes’ Meditations as a Mystical Text," in Transformation and the History of Philosophy, eds. Bruno & Vlasits. Routledge.


(2023) Jones, S. A. & Phillips, K. G. "Two Dogmas of Enlightenment Scholarship," in Pluralizing Philosophy’s Past – New Reflections in the History of Philosophy, eds. Griffioen & Backmann. Palgrave Macmillan, 133-147. (online first)


(2022) Phillips, K. G. “Arrested Development as Philosophy: Family First? What We Owe Our Parents” in The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy, ed. Johnson, Palgrave Macmillan. (online first


(2021) Brunsvold Mercedes, M. & Phillips K. G. "Teaching Dance and Philosophy to Non-Majors: The Integration of Movement Practices and Thought Experiments To Articulate Big Ideas," in Bloomsbury Handbook of Dance and Philosophy, eds. Farinas & Van Camp. Bloomsbury Press, 20-35.


(2020) Phillips, K. G. & Allen G. “The Utah Lyceum: Cultivating ‘Reasonableness’ in Southwest Utah,” in Growing Up with Philosophy Camp, ed. Katz, Rowman and Littlefield, 111-120. 


(2019) Phillips, K. G. “The Kids are Alright: Philosophical Dialogue and the Utah Lyceum” Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice, 1 (1). 42-57. 


(2017) Phillips, K. G. “Is Philosophy Impractical? Yes and No, but That is Precisely Why We Need it” in Why the Humanities Matter Today: In Defense of Liberal Education, ed. Trepanier, Lexington, 37-64.


(2014) Phillips, K. G., Beretta, A., & Whitaker H. “Mind and Brain: Toward an Understanding of Dualism” in Brain, Mind and Consciousness in the History of Neuroscience, eds. Smith & Whitaker. Springer, 355-369.

(2023) Review of Joshua Heter and Richard Greene's 'Punk Rock and Philosophy' in Popular Music.


(2021) Review of Douglas Edwards’ ‘Philosophy Smackdown’ in Pro Wrestling Studies Journal 2 (1), 75-77.


(2016) Review of Roger Ariew, Denis Des Chene, Douglas M. Jesseph, Tad Schmaltz, and Theo Verbeek’s ‘Historical Dictionary of Descartes and Cartesian Philosophy’ in British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1), 209-211.


(2015) Review of Roger Ariew’s ‘Descartes and the First Cartesians’ in British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (1), 178-181. 



Public & Popular


Edited Volume: 
(2011) Arrested Development and Philosophy

AD & Philo.webp

(2024) "Metaphilosophical TeachingThe Philosophers' Magazine


(2024) "Syllabus Showcase: The Philosophy of Education, Kristopher G. PhillipsBlog of the American Philosophical Association.  


(2021) "Educating ProfessionalsPrindle Post. 

(2020) “An Asynchronous Student Philosophy Conference” w/Greg Stoutenberg. Blog of the American Philosophical Association.


(2018) "A Matter of TasteStandart 13.


(2018) "Albert Among the Chowder-head Yokels and Blithering Hayseeds” w/Jeff Phillips, in Twin Peaks and Philosophy eds. Greene and Robison-Greene. Open-Court. 


(2018) "Diane, I am Now Upside Down” w/Veronica McMullen, in Twin Peaks and Philosophy eds. Greene and Robison-Greene. Open-Court. 


(2017) "Are Liberal Arts a Moral Obligation?” Michigan Public Radio (WMUK – 102.1FM) 


(2017) "Non-Canonical Texts and Teaching the History of Philosophy” Blog of the American Philosophical Association. Part I, Part II


(2016) “Join the Pre-College Philosophy Movement: Start a Lyceum” w/Kirk Fitzpatrick. Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization


(2016) "Bojack Horseman and the Danger of the Partially Examined Life" w/Tessa Brunnenmeyer. 

AndPhilosophy – Blackwell Pop Culture and Philosophy Blog.


(2011) Co-Editor: Arrested Development and Philosophy: They've Made a Huge Mistake w/J. Jeremy Wisnewski. John Wiley & Sons. 


(2011) "I’m Oscar (.com): The Problem(s) of Personal Identity in Arrested Development" in Arrested Development and Philosophy eds. Phillips & Wisnewski. John Wiley & Sons.


(2011) "Is Justified True Bluth Belief Knowledge?" w/Brett Coppenger, in Arrested Development" in Arrested Development and Philosophy eds. Phillips & Wisnewski. John Wiley & Sons.


(2011) "The Unexamined Cup is not Worth Drinking" in Coffee: Grounds for Debate, eds. Parker & Austin. John Wiley & Sons. 

Phillips, K. G. Metaphilosophical and Pedagogical Lessons From Early Modern European Philosophy: Recentering Philosophy and the Life Well Lived, Lexington Books. (Monograph Under Contract)


Phillips, K. G. "Metaphilosophy and Teaching"


Phillips, K. G. "Descartes' Meditations: Tradition, Mysticism, Style, and Interpretation" (commissioned for Philosophy Compass)​​



Department of History & Philosophy
Eastern Michigan University 

Pray Harrold Room 702-B 

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

kphill50 [at] emich [dot] edu


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